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The Blind Assassin: A Novel

The Blind Assassin - Margaret Atwood Luminous writing that is all the more so compared against the bleakness of the story. This is a story within a story within a story....and maybe more stories within more stories. So multi-layered that I'll be unpacking them for a long while. This is about women. Two sisters. This is about being a woman at various points during the 20th century. And how some things do not change. And how being suppressed and repressed by one's society takes a toll on the woman until the day she dies. It's about hope. It's about loss. It's about the different kinds of love and the different ways we show love. Or don't show love. It's about damaged people. It's about so many things, yet so delicately woven into so many layers of story that the threads are almost invisible. Such a gorgeous book.